The public corporation and the world of work are changing dramatically. What role could/ should the corporation play as societies turn to building economic and social resilience?
15 October 2021
Online Conference
08:45 ET | 13:45 GMT
It’s so big and pervasive that we often don’t even notice it. Yet, the public corporation as a form of economic and financial activity is a powerful and deeply engrained organizational engine that generates millions of jobs and massive amounts of capital. In recent years, however, the public corporation has been under increasing scrutiny. A context of declining institutional trust, environmental degradation, and growing awareness of racial, social and income inequality have ignited a global debate about the proper role and purpose of the public corporation.
Our conference examines how we might confront this economic great challenge while steering the market toward fairer outcomes and caring for our common home.
The conference has two panels. The first deals with the big institutional picture; the second focuses on the individual and how relationships are changing in the context of these larger transformations.
The LRI is indebted to our co-sponsors, the Bank of Montreal, one of Canada’s earliest and most resilient institutions, for its support.
- Brian Gallant, CEO, Canadian Centre for the Purpose of the Corporation; former premier of New Brunswick
- Dr. Judy Stephenson, Professor in Economics and Finance, Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, University College London
- Mona Malone, Chief Human Resources Officer and Head, People and Culture, BMO Financial Group (Conference Co-Chair)
- Dr. Laurence B. Mussio, Historian and Chair, Long Run Institute (Conference Co-Chair)
- Dr. Michael Aldous, Associate Professor in Management, Queen’s University Belfast
- Rahul K. Bhardwaj, LL.B, ICD.D, President and CEO, Institute of Corporate Directors
- Michael C. Bush, CEO, Great Place to Work®
- Mathew Mehrotra, Chief Digital Officer, North American P&BB and Wealth Management, BMO Financial Group
- Sevaun Palvetzian, Chief Communications Officer, Rogers Communications
- Professor John Turner, Professor of Finance and Financial History, Queen’s Management School, Queen’s University Belfast
- David Walmsley, Editor-in-Chief, The Globe and Mail (Moderator)
- Dr. Miyo Yamashita, President and CEO, The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, Toronto
- Brian Gallant: The Future of the Public Corporation: The Next Decade
- Panel One: Adapting Purpose for the Post-Pandemic World: Emerging Roles and Responsibilities of the Public Corporation
- Dr. Judy Stephenson: Employment and Impact in the Evolving Corporation: A Long-Run Perspective
- Panel Two: The Future of the Corporation as a Workplace
Have a question? Email us at events@longruninstitute.com.